In the Eucharist bread is taken, blessed,
broken and given.
In life we are taken, blessed, broken and given.
The Priest takes the bread in his hands and
blesses it during the eucharistic prayer;
Then he breaks it and it is given to us as
the body of Christ.
Through our birth and baptism we are taken
into God’s hands;
as the bread is taken, so too are we.
In life we are blessed by family, friends, love and joy;
as the bread is blessed, so too are we.
We are broken by failure, sin, pain and heartbreak;
as the bread is broken, so too are we.
In death we are given back to the mystery
from which we came;
as the bread is given, so too are we.
When we take, bless, break and give bread
to one another,
we believe the Lord to be especially present
in our midst.
But we must learn to accept that in his memory
we will be taken, blessed, broken and given
for the life of the world.